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What is a Mommy Makeover? (Am I a Candidate for One?)

“Mommy makeover” is a term used generically for a number of different combined surgical procedures. There is no single mommy makeover surgery, but a general concept of helping regain some of the shape you had before pregnancy. The surgeries may be done in combination, or over more than one setting.

Typically, I am addressing concerns women have with changes they have from pregnancy and breast feeding. However, it can extend to facial changes that women go through due to the stresses of raising kids!

For the breasts, one changes that many women see is deflation, or drooping and flattening of the breasts after pregnancy or when breast feeding stops. This occurs because the enlarged breast ducts start to shrink back down, causing the breasts to get smaller. The constant stretching of the breast skin and breast tissue over the many months of pregnancy and breast feeding eventually leave the tissue very lax (stretch marks are one sign of this).

Most of the time the skin and breast tissue won’t have the same elasticity or “snap back” it used to have. For some women, a breast augmentation (implant enlargement of the breast) is enough to restore the lost volume, shape, and contour of the breast. Sometimes a mastopexy, or breast lift, is needed in addition to the implants. A breast lift can mean any one of a number of different specific surgeries and can involve any one of a number of different incisions and approaches, tailored to you. At a minimum, a breast lift will help relocate the nipple-areola to a more aesthetically pleasing location on the breast mound. Typically, a breast lift will also help round out the entire breast and more the breast tissue back up on the chest.

The belly is another area that goes through a lot of changes too. Stretched, lax skin and additional fat deposits can be a long term issue after pregnancy. Also, many women have diastasis recti – a term for stretched muscle and fascia in the lower abdomen. This is the “bulge” or “pot belly” or “beer belly” of the lower abdomen you may see, even if you are very thin and back to your pre-pregnancy weight. These areas can be helped with a mini-abdominoplasty (mini-tummy tuck) or a regular tummy tuck. These surgeries will address the lax muscle and remove the lower abdominal skin and fat (and stretch marks if they are low on your belly). Liposuction of the flanks / love handles can help contour the waist in addition.

Some women only need liposuction to remove the excess fat of lower abdomen, without removing skin, because their skin has enough elasticity to snap back after removing the extra fat.

Facial lines and wrinkles become more prominent and noticeable after pregnancy, long sleepless nights, and many stressed-out days! Botox and Juvederm filler can help restore some of the look of the face, and reduce those lines and wrinkles.

So! What can I do to help “mommy”? Breast implants and/or lift? Tummy tuck or liposuction? Botox? There are many options depending on which areas concern you the most. Come in to discuss what I can help you with!

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